Mini Dens and Creatures

This week in Forest School Year 4T have been trying to perfect their mini den building skills. However, there were a few distractions along the way in the form of minibeasts. Despite this, the children still managed to create some amazing mini structures, which of course became homes for their new mini friends…

Spider Web Catchers

This week in Forest School, Year 4F have been making spider web catchers. Spiders are often seen making webs in window frames, so the children worked in pairs to create their own frame from 3 sticks tied together with yarn. They labelled their catchers (with their names) and placed them next to a bush in…

Colour Charts in Nature

This week Year 4F found colours in nature. The children used a paint colour chart featuring various shades of green. Their task was to find as many natural items as possible to match each colour. This was a tricky task as the colours on the chart were very similar. Once found, the children glued an…

The Worm Charming Championships

This week the children in Classes 4F, 3H, 1M and 5F have all taken part in the ‘Worm Charming Championships.’ Worm charming is all about charming earthworms out of the ground using different methods. Tapping on the ground to trick the worms into thinking it is raining, watering the ground with a watering can or…

Exploring Habitats

Before the Easter holidays Year 4F built a habitat for minibeasts using logs, wood and dead leaves. This afternoon they explored the log pile to see if any minibeasts had moved in. This type of habitat would appeal to woodlice, slugs, earthworms, snails, newts, frogs and toads. The children also searched the grass and leaves…

Creating Habitats

As it is reaching the end of term, Year 4F started the Forest School session by doing a bit of spring cleaning in the school grounds. The children carefully de-constructed dens and dragged large branches and pieces of wood to the corner of the field. This not only re-enforces what they have learnt about how…

Better Teamwork = Better Dens

This half term Year 4F’s focus has been den building. Firstly learning how to carry sticks and branches safely, creating miniature dens and then last week they created their first big den. This week the pupils evaluated their work from last week. They talked about what worked well with their den building last week, what…

Den Building

Over the past few weeks year 4F have been developing their miniature den building skills by creating miniature worlds and Amazonian tribal villages. Using the same skills, but on a bigger scale, the pupils learnt how to safely carry branches and other large pieces of wood to create large dens in which they could shelter….

Mini Tribal Villages

The children in Year 4 have been learning a lot about the Rainforest as part of their creative curriculum topic. This afternoon, the children created miniature Amazonian tribal villages using sticks, leaves, grass, moss, mud and other natural materials. This helped the children to further develop their skills from last week. Eventually these skills can…

Miniature Worlds

This afternoon, 4F took part in their first Forest School session. We talked about how to stay safe and focused on how to carry sticks and branches safely. The children then made miniature worlds using sticks and other natural materials… Miniature Houses… A Miniature Jurassic World… A Miniature ‘Flip Out’ with trampolines and slides… A…

Muddy Rainforest Animals

To link in with their ‘Rainforest’ topic, the children in Year 4L put their creative talents to the test and used mud and other natural materials to create some rainforest creatures. The children in year 4L have been itching to get their hands dirty and immerse themselves in the mud on our top field. Here…

Marshmallow Roasting

This afternoon year 4L brought in marshmallows to roast over a camp fire. This will be the first time that 4L have had the experience in school of making a camp fire and there are lots of safety rules they must follow. We talked about how cotton wool is a great material for starting a…